View Full Version : Need help to get this paper ?

- 1st September 2008, 10:33
I work on dc motor parameters identification , Here is the title of the reference I want it.

PASEK, z.: 'Novy zpiisob urceni zakladnich dynamickych parametru
stejnosmern6ho motoru', Elektrotech. Obzor., 1962, 51, pp. 109-114

I search alot but I can't find it, anyone can help me ?

- 1st September 2008, 12:40
For his sins, my Boss speaks eight languages...

That looks Polish.

PASEK, - this translates to BELT (but I think here it's the name of the Author ie Z PASEK)

Novy zpiisob urceni zakladnich dynamickych parametru stejnosmern6ho motoru'

The above 'roughly' translates to "A new way to dynamically control motor parameters"

Elektrotech. Obzor., 1962, 51, pp. 109-114

This refers to a publication... most probably in Polish. I hope it's not from 1962...

- 1st September 2008, 12:59
thank you for your help, but I search but i don't find any url how can i find this magazine or the paper itself .

- 1st September 2008, 13:43
You're not trying... put this into Google...

pasek novy motoru

1st hit gives you...


Looks like Paseks method IS from the 1960's...

- 2nd September 2008, 13:04
Thanks alot Melanie for your reply , I finded a new information which help me in our work, but also this paper which I downloaded is not the title I want and if you look at the end of this paper that this paper is depend upon the paper I needed in the first thread. so If there any way to get it ?