View Full Version : PIC BASIC Compiler for ARM machines?

- 21st August 2008, 07:53
Sorry... But I do want to figure this out: Can I use the PIC BASIC Compiler on my ARM S3C2410 based development board?
I bought my <a href="http://www.developmentboard.net/index.php/productdetail/Development+boards/ARM9/SAMSUNG/S3C2410/VGA2410">VGA2410</a> board from <a href="http://www.developmentboard.net">developmentboard.net</a> couple days ago. The board is nice, but personally I do not like the compiler that came with the board. Would someone here please tell me whether I can use the PIC BASIC Compiler?

- 21st August 2008, 08:01
Definitely not :-(

- 22nd August 2008, 07:14
what a pity :(
So I'll try something else