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View Full Version : Code Timer - How long does it take to execute XYZ command?

- 9th August 2008, 23:14
Since this question has come up again, I thought I'd throw this module out to the masses. It is something I worked on a while back, with DT's help. Amid life's other priorities, it got put on the self to collect dust.

The basic idea is that by adding the module as an INCLUDE and inserting a couple of commands inside your code, you can have the PIC send timing data to your PC via the hardware serial port. It's make for 18F PICs (although some 16Fs may work too). You also need a timer that is not being used for anything else.

1) Instructions are included, as well as a small example.
2) It worked well for me, and as I recall, DT in testing.
3) Use it however you want.
4) I won't be able to offer much support, but figure there are enough knowlegeable folks around here that can help those who need it.

Best Regards,

Thanks Darrel for all your help!

Darrel Taylor
- 10th August 2008, 00:28
2) It worked well for me, and as I recall, DT in testing.

Yes it did.
Much better than mine ever was.

And I gotta say, much prettier than any of mine too. :)
Just love the look of it. Nice work Steve.

- 10th August 2008, 01:05
Thanks SteveB.

I bet this thread will get pointed to a lot.

- 10th August 2008, 02:31
And I gotta say, much prettier than any of mine too. :)
Just love the look of it. Nice work Steve.

I used this program (http://www.jave.de/) for the ...

<pre><font face=courier> _ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _<br> / \ / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _| / \ _ __| |_ |_ _|____ _| |_<br> / _ \ \___ \| | | | | | / _ \ | '__| __| | |/ _ \ \/ / __|<br> / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | | / ___ \| | | |_ | | __/> <| |_<br> /_/ \_\____/ \____|___|___| /_/ \_\_| \__| |_|\___/_/\_\\__|<br></font></pre>

Lots of fonts, but the more plain ones seem to be the most readable.

Darrel Taylor
- 10th August 2008, 04:46
<pre><font face=courier> _____ _<br> / ____| | |<br> | | ___ ___ | |<br> | | / _ \ / _ \| |<br> | |___| (_) | (_) | |<br> \_____\___/ \___/|_| _ _<br> |__ __| | | | | |<br> | | | |__ __ _ _ __ | | _____| |<br> | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / __| |<br> | | | | | | (_| | | | | <\__ \_|<br> |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\___(_)<br></font></pre>

- 24th February 2009, 18:55
Thanks! I'm at work and haven't gotten a chance to try it yet, but I noticed you said it would work for "some" 16F chips. Would a 16F628a be included in that group?

Thanks again!