View Full Version : 160 Baud aldl scantool

- 5th August 2008, 12:13
i am trying to build a scantool using pic16f84 and lcd to read daewoo data stream i think it is 160 baud data , can any one guide me how to start building this project


- 5th August 2008, 12:53
Is this a barcode reader?

What have you done so far? Can you display anything on the LCD?

In the mean time.

- 5th August 2008, 12:58
no i want to read data stream from daewoo car i think it uses GM ECM running on ALDL baud 160

- 5th August 2008, 13:11
Oh, well that makes sense.

Go here and get the picmulticalc. http://www.mister-e.org/pages/utilitiespag.html
It will show how to set the USART for any baud.
Thats the best I can do for you.

- 5th August 2008, 13:31
is there any one who can guide me to start design this project i am new in picbasic

- 5th August 2008, 13:43
If you are new to this the first thing you need to do is learn how to blink an LED. Then learn how to make the LCD work, and then learn how to use the USART. (a different PIC chip will be needed)

Just how new are you? We need to know where to start.

- 5th August 2008, 13:50
thanks for your fast replay i can blink a led and also i can display text on lcd that what i test before

- 5th August 2008, 14:10
I think the next step would be to get a chip with hardware serial (USART) and work with that. The USART is not to much different than using SERIN2, just seems to be a bit more useful at times.

If you can find out exactly what the ECM baud is and if the signal is inverted or not. Can you connect a PC to it? Then we should be able to see what you have to work with.

- 5th August 2008, 14:11
thanks for your fast replay i can blink a led and also i can display text on lcd that what i test before

Do you have the actual ALDL160 protocol standard?
You can read it at 160 baud all day, but without the protocol or knowing how the data is formatted, the numbers are going to be jibberish on the LCD and useless.

And, for me anyways, a Google search on '160 baud aldl' brings me a whole load of decent links with hardware, software, and at the very least, a base to work with....if I was building an ALDL reader....which I'm not....

- 5th August 2008, 14:20
what chip have serial (USART) to start working with.
ECM baud rate 160 Baud
there is a lot of circuits which can be interfaced with PC and using special software we can see these data e

during my search on internet i found some one make circuit to do that using pic16f84 and lcd (20*4) but the one who design this circuit place assembely software for the pic but i am not good at all on assembely

- 5th August 2008, 15:19
what chip have serial (USART) to start working with.
Use the Parametric search at www.microchip.com, find one with a UART/USART on it, pick and chose which one you want.

during my search on internet i found some one make circuit to do that using pic16f84 and lcd (20*4) but the one who design this circuit place assembely software for the pic but i am not good at all on assembely
Well, email them, maybe they'll share their code...maybe not...
that's the breaks...and without knowing what data is where in the data stream, you may as well be receiving random noise.

- 5th August 2008, 19:37
please find attached file for published aldl display circuit using pic16f84 and lcd display u will find also attached assembly program if u can help cause i am not good in assembely to convert this program into picbasic ????

- 5th August 2008, 19:43
please find attached file for published aldl display circuit using pic16f84 and lcd display u will find also attached assembly program if u can help cause i am not good in assembely to convert this program into picbasic ????
I could help, but my time/effort cost more than FREE...

However, if you attempt to convert this over to PBP yourself, and you have problems, I am absolutely sure that a number of people here on these forums would be more than happy to assist in the endeavour.

- 5th August 2008, 19:52
so u will help me to do that or ????

- 5th August 2008, 19:57
so u will help me to do that or ????

I think skimask's point is the folks on this forum will help answer specific questions but can't do the work for you.

If you want the work done for you some member are willing to do it but they will charge for their services.

- 5th August 2008, 20:11
and how much that will cost

Darrel Taylor
- 5th August 2008, 20:24
I don't think you'll find anyone to convert that program.
It's the absolute worst ASM program I've ever seen.

Label_0045 MOVLW 0x20
Label_0046 MOVWF 0x1C
MOVF 0x18 , W
ADDLW 0x30
RETLW 0x00
Label_0029 MOVF 0x1C , W
CALL Label_0003
MOVF 0x1D , W
CALL Label_0003
MOVF 0x1E , W
CALL Label_0003
MOVF 0x1F , W
CALL Label_0003
RETLW 0x00
Label_0031 MOVLW 0x04
GOTO Label_0047
MOVLW 0x03
Label_0047 MOVWF 0x12
Label_0048 BCF STATUS , C
RRF 0x15 , f
RRF 0x16 , f

No comments, numbered labels, yuck!

I doubt that it could be converted without extensive knowlege of the protocol.
And if they already knew the protocol, it would be easier to just rewrite it from scratch.

- 5th August 2008, 20:31
thanks for your trying there are another ones do not want to help at all ???

- 5th August 2008, 20:39
Here is what you do.

Forget about the assembly, most likely will not work for you.
From the zip you provided.

I have tested this only with 1227747 ECM but it should work also with other 160 baud units after you have verified / altered ALDL data stream decoding to match with your application.

You can blink an LED and make a LCD work. Learn about serial communications and write you own code. Then you can say that PBP paid for its self.

Seems like the trick is in finding the protocol.

- 5th August 2008, 21:02
thanks for your trying there are another ones do not want to help at all ???

And who are these people??? The 500,000 ones who have not answered your post???

- 5th August 2008, 21:15
And who are these people??? The 500,000 ones who have not answered your post???

Besides that...
From what I see, I don't see the O/P asking for HELP as defined as HELP as defined as 'helping somebody out', as in somebody has done something and is looking for somebody else to assist in completion of something.
What I see is still 'Could somebody do this for me'...

And here's my contribution :D
Should compile in PBP just fine!

- 5th August 2008, 21:26
no those people who wants money to help another ones

- 5th August 2008, 21:35
no those people who wants money to help another ones

I don't WANT money and I sure don't NEED any money (well, I guess I could always use an extra buck or two).
However, and I think I speak for more than one person, what you WANT is for somebody to convert this 'program' (and I use that term loosely) to PicBasicPro. What we NEED is a frame of reference on which to convert this program. We've got no idea how this program should work in the end product, no datasheet for the module you are trying to COPY. You haven't provided anyone with any sort of reference for the ALDL protocol (yes, I know it's 160 baud async-serial).
All you've done is downloaded a bunch of assembly (and a hex file) and wanted somebody to convert it for you.
Where's this HELP you're asking for?
I see you asking for somebody to DO for you, not HELP you.

Again, you make an attempt at converting the code, and I'm sure a dozen or more people will step up and help you fix any errors you may have made...until then, well, I'm taking a nap...

Darrel Taylor
- 6th August 2008, 00:10
And here's my contribution :D
Should compile in PBP just fine!
I see you're overcoming the colon addiction, by switching to @ signs.

It's a step forward. :D

- 6th August 2008, 00:46
Here are some options for you.

- 6th August 2008, 13:53
I see you're overcoming the colon addiction, by switching to @ signs.
It's a step forward. :D

Ctrl-H is a wonderful thing!
I still like my colons though.

Darrel Taylor
- 6th August 2008, 19:12
Ctrl-H is a wonderful thing!
I still like my colons though.

In notepad maybe. MCSP is ctrl-R

I've seen you say that before.
But I still haven't figured out how to replace a colon with a carriage return.

- 6th August 2008, 19:26
In notepad maybe. MCSP is ctrl-R

I've seen you say that before.
But I still haven't figured out how to replace a colon with a carriage return.

A clever macro perhaps ?

- 6th August 2008, 21:43
In notepad maybe. MCSP is ctrl-R

I've seen you say that before.
But I still haven't figured out how to replace a colon with a carriage return.

MS Word lets you special characters in either the top or bottom field.
And yes, it's Ctrl-R in MCS, but seems to be Ctrl-H everywhere else.