View Full Version : 245 led matrix

- 4th August 2008, 14:10
Caros colegas achei muito interessante o projeto (display matrix 245 led.)

Para funciona o projeto tem que monta todos os led.
O só o primeiro estagio. já funciona .

O brigado

- 4th August 2008, 14:55
I'd help, or try to...
But...I've got no idea which language this is to attempt to run it thru a translator!
I assume it relates to the infamous 'Free Project - 245 LED Display' thread...
Past that little bit, I'm lost...
I need more colons...

- 4th August 2008, 15:22
From babelfish

Expensive colleagues I found the project very interesting (display matrix 245 led.) For the project functions has that led mounts all. Alone the first o I serve as apprentice. already it functions. The fought one
Maybe he got it working?

- 4th August 2008, 15:35
help em projeto matrix pic

- 4th August 2008, 15:52
help em projeto matrix pic

The link in Post #2 just happens to already have 245 LEDs and happens to be a project and happens to have code, schematics, banter, talk, comments (both rude and not-so-rude)...

- 4th August 2008, 16:08
O projeto funcional com 64 led .

usa um 4017,

- 14th August 2008, 19:55
Caro amigos A emprom e 24lc256 ou 24c256 duvidas

Ajuda !!

- 14th August 2008, 20:26
Caro amigos A emprom e 24lc256 ou 24c256 duvidas

Ok, I'm tired of finding a translator every time...

But if what you're asking is:

Can I use a 24LC256 in place of a 24C256?

Then the answer is...Yes. The datasheets would have told you that the difference between the 24LC256 and the 24C256 is the "L".
Ok, not really...

- 14th August 2008, 20:45
The project works well. 24lc256 with.
you feis the project.
led blinks for no program to post
error of door

I am a usabdo translators ..



- 14th August 2008, 21:08
ligo o circuito e perto botão o led a acender.guando eu escrevo a messangem no vp ele da erro de Comunicasão de porta usada .o led bisca varias vezes e não rola messagem . peço ajuda
turn on the circuit and led to the close button acender.guando I write to keep it in messangem of error of Comunicasão of porta used. bisca the led several times and not roll post.

- 17th August 2008, 14:28
Caros colegas só tenho um duvidas .Precisa mota todos os estagio para funciona o circuito ou com 64 led ele funciona normal .

o prigado ...

- 24th May 2011, 03:32
Hello, someone tried to change the 4017 by 74HC595?