View Full Version : Rf module baud rate

- 30th July 2008, 17:49
I am experiment with the Linx TXM-418-LC AND RXM-418-LC modules. The manual states they are capable of sending and receiving serial data up to 5000 bits/second. I am using serout serpin,N2400, and serin serpin,N2400. Is this the right baud rate, I am assuming 2400 baud is 2400 bits per second. I am using a 16f628A processor, looking at the datasheet for the 16f628A I would think I would have less errors at 300k using a 4Mhz crystal. Or am I on the wrong track? Thanks

- 30th July 2008, 17:54
Here's one thing to think about...
If you're using a 628 on the TX end, and a 628 on the RX, and you're running them off the same crystal, using the same divisors for the baud rate generator, it won't matter how far off you are because both ends will be off by the same amount in the same direction.
And serial ports (whether it's on a PIC or a PC) can generally tolerate being off the specified buad rate by a few percent either way.
(also, baud doesn't necessarily equate to bits per second...although that's generally the way it's usually thought of)

- 5th August 2008, 18:25
I was looking at the Ruf-Bot example online and their using the TWS-434 and RWS-434 for the wireless link. The sample code shows serial out @ 9600 but the datasheet show the maximum being 3k, is this possible? The module I am using maximum is 5k, I was just curious. Thanks

- 5th August 2008, 18:38
I was looking at the Ruf-Bot example online and their using the TWS-434 and RWS-434 for the wireless link. The sample code shows serial out @ 9600 but the datasheet show the maximum being 3k, is this possible? The module I am using maximum is 5k, I was just curious. Thanks

I've used the same modules.
They're rated for 3K (or 5K, whatever).
I've been able to use mine at 19.2Kbps with fairly decent results, 9600 is nice, anything below that also works well.
Just go with whatever works...

- 5th August 2008, 18:47
I will try it at 9600 to start, I've been running at 2400. Thanks Again for the info