View Full Version : Want some help with LEDs

- 23rd November 2004, 20:46
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this, I am trying to use the OnBoard Hardware PWM three LEDs, I am using the 18F6620 as my PIC micro of choice and would like to see if someone can please help me fix my problem. I have set up the CCP's correctly for the PWM mode, and I am just varying the duty cycle for each of the outputs. I have attached a file below to give you a sense of what I am doing.. the LEDs at the output is telling me that the cycling of the duty is not occuring but instead flickering is visible. Can someon help me fix this problem. I am using Timer2 as my base counter for the PWM mode to keep track of when CCP is to switch and reset. Thanks for anyone who is willing to help me

Again the file is attached below
