View Full Version : MPASM Path & File Name Length Limtation

Brian J Walsh
- 10th June 2008, 22:23
My PBP file names have always been rather long, containing descriptive text which lets me keep track of program development.

Today I re-visited a project and found that MPASM, which had previously assembled my files without complaint, now takes exception to combined path & file names which exceed 62 characters.

Any ideas as to why C:\Program Files\Mecanique\MCS\ZP3084A Cask Kicker Main 18F452 with new auto raise _lower.pbp (93 characters) should have suddenly become unacceptable?

MPASM reports version 5.16 and MCSP version shows PBP version 2.50A.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Brian Walsh.

- 10th June 2008, 22:55
Other than the fact that long file names are a bad idea, and really long names are a really bad idea, ....

Why not use something like:
Directory Name --- Keep this short too.
And then the project names.

And keep notes on the projects. The shorter the names the faster the system. Normally.

- 10th June 2008, 22:56
Why? I don't know for sure, but your whole path need to be bellow 64 (or something like that) character.

I sit all my stuff near the root.

EX: c:\Project\LCDDriver

As far as i know there's no workaround to this...

Brian J Walsh
- 13th June 2008, 21:26
Thanks for your input guys.

I am prepared to play by the rules and if 64 characters is it, then so be it.

I'm not short of strategies to stay within the limit ... that wasn't the question. I was simply bewildered by the sudden appearance of a message box telling me that what I had been doing for a year or two was not allowed, together with the implication that it never had been. I am sorry that no light could be shed on that.

I understand that long file names bring compatibilty problems with legacy software that can't directly support them. We are all familiar with the tilde ~. I don't agree that they are a bad idea. I come from the days of Commodore BASIC (PET) when variable names were limited to two characters ... now that WAS as bad idea!

Being well behaved I installed MCS+ in the default folder which results in a big long path to my .pbp files. I'm a bit miffed that doing the right thing now limits me to something akin to the straight jacket of the 8.3 file naming convention.

Thanks again for your interest.

Brian Walsh.

- 13th June 2008, 23:54
Hi Brian,
Have you tried writing a path statement to direct Windows where to find your files? Here's a link for how to in NT, xp, 2000, and Vista. http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm <br> As to why it changed . . . maybe Windows Update ?

- 14th June 2008, 00:45
64 characters may be the limit but any folder can be used as a root folder giving 64 character program names (including folder name) by use of the old DOS command SUBST.
This works on XP (don't know about Vista) and simply makes a virtual drive out of your code folder.
Appears as Drive Z: on My Computer as well as in its original location.

I have used this for years in Proton and the only problem incurred is Norton diskdocter requires an uncheck to this virtual drive.


Vic Wintips&Tricks
March 17, 2004 - Issue 2

Archive tip (Updated)
Original post - Sun Nov 12, 2000

Create Virtual Drives Using the Subst Command
(applies to all versions of Windows)

Here's a Windows trick that's not that well known unless you know Dos.
Did you know you can create a virtual drive to any folder on your system? For
you can turn your Windows directory
into a W drive that will appear inside My Computer looking just like any other
drive and
accessible just like any other drive.

You do this using the SUBST command which stands for substitute. It's easy.
Here's how you would create the example W: drive for the Windows folder:

Click Start>Run, enter this command:


and click OK


You now have a virtual W drive in My Computer that opens up Windows when
doubled clicked
(go take a look)

You can access a virtual drive just like you would any other drive. For
example, you can
simply enter W: in the Run box, at a
Dos prompt, in a bat file, or even shortcut to open up the Windows directory.

Another example:
Make a drive out of your Temporary Internet Files folder.
Just change the path in the example below to match your user name and the path
to your own
Temporary Internet Files

SUBST T: "C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\Local Settings\Temporary

(the quotation marks are essential)

This would give you a T: drive and allow you to access your Temporary Internet
Files by
simply entering T: in the Run box or at a
command prompt(or in a shortcut even)
Not overy useful, I know, but could be handy if you ever need to access your
TIF folder in
Dos since you don't have to type the
entire path or do any directory switching to get to it.

But if you do want to put this tip to use and keep the virtual drive intact,
then there's
something else you need to do.
By default, the virtual drive will only last until you reboot. To keep it, you
need to
have the command load at startup.
In Windows 9x, you can do this by placing the command in your autoexec file or
for all
Windows versions, in any bat file which you
can then place in your Startup folder which you can access by right clicking
the Start
button, choosing Open. You will find your
Startup folder in the Programs folder.

Here is how to create a simple bat file inside your Startup folder:
We'll use the letter W: assigned to C:\Windows, in this example.

Right click an empty area inside your Startup folder and click New>Text
Open up the newly created notepad document and enter these commands

@echo off
subst W: C:\Windows

Save the txt file and then rename it with a .BAT extension.(click yes when
asked to
confirm the name change)

Done. Now, the bat file will load each time you startup to make sure the
Virtual drive

Deleting a Virtual Drive

To delete a virtual drive, use the /d switch.
Example - to delete virtual drive W, you would enter:
in the Run box or at a command prompt.

but as stated, in Windows the drive only lasts until you reboot anyway so just
the startup command to it should get rid of it as well.


- 14th June 2008, 15:17
I use Thumb drives, that way I can have as many as I need and my C drive doesn't get as fragmented. An added bonus is I can work on any computer I am using.

- 14th June 2008, 15:48
Another advantage of a thumb drive is it can be removed
from the PC when not in use for safety from lighting strikes.
I use one for code backup.
