View Full Version : I2C between pics..

- 10th June 2008, 04:01
Hello !!

The 16F877 has a built-in I2C communication.
The 16F628A has not..

Is it possible to create a comm. using I2C, where 877 is the master and 628A the slave?

Can I use the commands I2C write and read?

How? (sorry)..


- 10th June 2008, 04:16
The 16F877 has a built-in I2C communication.
The 16F628A has not..
Is it possible to create a comm. using I2C, where 877 is the master and 628A the slave?
Can I use the commands I2C write and read?

PBP has built in I2C communication. If the PIC has a couple of free pins and it's supported by PBP, then your PIC has I2C capabilities (albeit software driven).
What PBP doesn't have is both master and slave capability thru PBP; Master mode only.
If you're looking for I2C slave, try this:
Haven't tried it myself, but it looks viable.