View Full Version : About the replacement of the indicator with BASIC.

- 7th June 2008, 04:35
Example that can be found by me and the following place.
Why do I only have to write to express the display of nine digits here by "
Someone, please show the correct cliche.

- 7th June 2008, 06:22
What is shown is a process known as 'Charlieplexing' after the inventor Charlie Allen, who works at Maxim.


There is a good intro at http://www.instructables.com/id/ERHG974F1ZM4KIR/

I used this to help me do a 12 led display with only 4 lines from a PIC using PBP, so it is possible. The trick is to drive the port high or low or set the TRIS bit to make the pin High Impedance (floating).

Now I am not sure I understand your question, but the links might give you enough to work out what you need to ask.


- 7th June 2008, 06:32
I use the translation machine because I cannot understand English.
However, it speaks a different word.
(It is not possible to write as thought. )
Because the code of the PIC assembler is too difficult for me, it is
not possible to understand.
The circuit makes nine digits a feature display it only in the port in
nine bits.
I am requesting an easier BASIC code.

- 7th June 2008, 06:54

In Japanese. Might help you.
[edit] looks like the pages is in Japanese, but the note is still in English.. Do you have a japanese wikipedia ? Try a search for Multiplexing or Charlieplexing.


- 8th June 2008, 04:56

In Japanese. Might help you.
[edit] looks like the pages is in Japanese, but the note is still in English.. Do you have a japanese wikipedia ? Try a search for Multiplexing or Charlieplexing.

The page of the reference was seen.
Use of nine bits and LED7SEG9 digit display to purpose
It is a thing to display the LED7SEG10 digit by using ten bits.
The example is recorded in the assembler.

Not to use special IC but to make programs such as PIC and SX from BASIC, do you want to become the example of the practice like any?