View Full Version : ASM block does not compile

- 31st May 2008, 18:41
Hello everybody,

I have a code collected from a website which contains an ASM block, this is for 16F628 PIC. When I try to comile the code, it shows "opcode needed instead of 'porta' " message.

Is there anybody who can tell me what's wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

- 31st May 2008, 18:53
Maybe...But you code is hard to see from here.

paul borgmeier
- 31st May 2008, 21:42
Sounds like your ASM code starts in column 1 ... indent your code a space or two and see what happens


movwf PORTA ; will not work

movwf PORTA ; will work

OH, Mackrackit is right - post your code if you want for sure answers.