View Full Version : Hex Value

- 16th May 2008, 13:35
Hi All

It has been a while since I have worked with Proton and I am still learning
I have got a problem whre I want to send a Hex value
Say I have got a value of 85 , I then want to send Hex 85("$85") not 55 witch is the Hex of 85
I have tried some codes , but no luck

Dim Val1 as Byte
Dim Val2 as Byte

Val1 = 85
delayms 100
serout port,baud,[Val1]
'Got out 55

serout port,baud,[# Val1]
'Got out 38 35 must just be the 85

Val2 = $Val1
serout port,baud,[Val2]
'Got out 00 but if you put in Val2 = $85 I get out 85 is Val2 = $Val1 not the same as
Val2 = $85 ?

Any help

- 16th May 2008, 13:37
Wish I could help you but...here we do Pic Basic. Might try another forum.

- 16th May 2008, 14:44
Perhaps the HEX modifier instead of # would solve your problem?

SEROUT ...[HEX2 Val1]

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