View Full Version : Linux

- 8th May 2008, 01:02
Has anybody had success running PBPro and MCS+ on a Linux machine?

I am tempted to get an ASUS EEEPC as a PDA, ebook reader and hopefully a PIC Dev system in a tiny footprint but I know diddly squat about Linux.


- 8th May 2008, 01:44
Has anybody had success running PBPro and MCS+ on a Linux machine?
I am tempted to get an ASUS EEEPC as a PDA, ebook reader and hopefully a PIC Dev system in a tiny footprint but I know diddly squat about Linux.

I haven't played with Linux much myself. I loaded up Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop a couple of weeks ago, dual booting with WinXP.
Piece of cake to load it, got it on a single partition on the slave hard drive. The installer handled everything.

A bit of a pain to use it, until you get used to the 'new' way of doing things. Folders aren't laid out quite the same, devices are named a bit differently, drivers don't install/remove quite the same, and so on and so on...
Everything seems to work fine on my Dell Inspiron 8200 (including the USB 802.11g adapter)...can't say for sure about the EEE, even if it says that the EEE 'comes with Linux'. I gotta wonder how complete it is?

I asked the same question myself a couple of weeks ago. According to *insert name here*(I forget who it was), MCS and PBP run just fine under WINE (a Windows -recompiler/emulator- that runs in Linux), but couldn't get the PICKIT2 software to run in Linux.

Charles Linquis
- 8th May 2008, 01:57
PBP and MCS do run fine under Ubuntu 8.0.4 - and WINE

MCLoader comes up, but so far I can't get it to recognize the serial port.

- 8th May 2008, 02:56
I use MPLAB and PBP with the PICSTART PLUS (serial port) under wine.
Can not get the PICKITs 1 or 2 (usb) to work though.

When you set MPLAB up to use PBP as a language suite you have to work in the virtual registry. Not like in XP where there is a dialog box to add the path. When/if you need help on this let me know.

According to *insert name here*(I forget who it was)
How could you:D

- 8th May 2008, 03:22
How could you:D
I could, I did, and now, I remember... :D