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View Full Version : Serial comm. while RB2 is output

- 23rd April 2008, 21:12
Hello i am using PIC16F628A. I looked up in the datasheet but it seems that I can't use RB2 pin as a standart output pin while RB1 is synchron/asycnron receive mode. Do you have any idea? i do not want to change uP and and i dont have any pins left to use as a output...

- 23rd April 2008, 22:08
Are you using a high speed baudrate? Are you using USART interrupt? In some occasion DEBUGIN/SERIN/SERIN2 have some advantages.

- 23rd April 2008, 22:17
actually i can use almost any baudrate. and yes i am using receive interrupt for receiving at rb1. but i dont want to use rb2 as serial output but gpio pin.

- 24th April 2008, 19:34
anyone has an idea?

- 24th April 2008, 19:38
Actually i can't see any way to do it with this PIC... unless i really missed something in the datasheet.