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- 18th April 2008, 17:06
I am sending serial data to my windows 2000 Hyperterminal window successfully, however I would like to have all the data "left alligned" so that I can do a simple copy/paste/export to excell for delimiting and graphing. I have been using the 10 command for line feedout thinking this would do the job. I have also googled the top of serial commands for hyperterminal with no luck. If anyone know I would sure appreciate the help.

SEROUT PORTA.2,N2400,[10,"VALUE ", #eepaddr," ",#B0," counts"

I have included a screen shot so you can see what I currently see in my HT window.

- 18th April 2008, 17:08
10 is for line feed only, doesn't reset the 'cursor' back to the left.
13 is for carraige return, resets the cursor back to the left.

so, end your serial output line with 10 , 13
line feed, then carraige return

SEROUT PORTA.2,N2400,[10,"VALUE ", #eepaddr," ",#B0," counts" , 10 , 13

- 18th April 2008, 17:09
Carriage Return, then a LineFeed

:D hit the button at the same time :D

- 18th April 2008, 17:15
Thank you both!
Consider yourselves nominated for Jedi Council Membership.

- 18th April 2008, 17:20
Thank you both!
Consider yourselves nominated for Jedi Council Membership.
I used the force once...but I did NOT inhale! Maybe I should have? :D

- 18th April 2008, 17:23
:D the only thing i remember of it is that guy bellow...
All the force is in those Fabulous manuals :D

- 18th April 2008, 22:25
Does anyone know if there is something you can send to clear the terminal screen?

- 18th April 2008, 22:34
If it's Hyperterminal or else ANSI compatible software, then yes, and much more.

- 18th April 2008, 22:40
This link has a very nice summary of the codes.

Also, you might consider using Tera Term Pro (http://www.ayera.com/teraterm/) (free!). Much nicer than Hyperterminal IMHO.