View Full Version : Transducer's Voltages - what are they?

- 11th April 2008, 15:08
<img src="http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2489&stc=1&d=1207922731">

I've just started a project involving the use of a transducer. Never used transducers before...

It's technical data specifies DC Bias Voltage, AC Driving Voltage and Combined Voltage.

My understanding is as following and please, this is the purpose of this thread, correct me if I'm wrong (you are also allowed to correct my english :D):
- DC Bias Voltage is the constant polarized (+/-) applied voltage to the transducer in "receive" mode;
- AC Driving Voltage is the voltage used when the transducer is in "emitter" mode;
- Combined Voltage is... is what?

NB: if it may help, the transducer's datasheet is here: http://www.acroname.com/robotics/parts/R134-600.pdf

- 11th April 2008, 16:40
flotulopex, I have used the POLOROID sensors in the past which are made the exact way these sensors are made.(I think they bought the patend rights). POLOROID used to have a kit for the sensors and maybe still does. I have bought the sensors you show below directly from the manufacture SensComp here in michigan, However the ones I purchased have the excitation and receiver electronics on board. They are only about 1/4 of an inch thicker. I wouldn't bother trying to build the excitation and receiver electronics for a sensor like this as the sensors only cost about $50 complete. Log on to Sencomp's website, they make analog output as well as digital output sensors.

Dave Purola,

- 11th April 2008, 17:30
Here you can find zeu files ...


In French :

Roger, arrètes de te faire chier pour des clopinettes ... ils vendent TOUT chez Sélectro !!!


Russ Kincaid
- 11th April 2008, 18:25
To answer your original question: The AC drive is intended to vary from 0 to 400 volts max so there is a 200 volt offset called "bias".

- 12th April 2008, 06:22
Thanks All,

Yes, I bought the SensComp6500 (full kit) module a few days ago.

I just wanted to understand some specifications.

So thank you, Russ.

Alain, SELECTRONIC is nice but one can get this module cheaper in the US, inclusive shipping + customs. Today, this product costs the same amount of money in $ as in €; have a look at the exchange rate... Nevertheless, thanks for the link ;)

- 12th April 2008, 10:19
zeu files ...
...arrètes de te faire chier pour des clopinettes ...

ROFL! That's good new stuff for me! Here's one for you Alain...

"Casse toé pas l'bécike!"

- 12th April 2008, 13:53
Hi, Steve

"des clopinettes" ...

That was small bits of tobacco remaining from the smoken cigarettes ...

also could be translated by " des mégots" ...

un clope = a cigarette ...

Now you know everything !
