View Full Version : ADC with LED output

- 9th April 2008, 06:02

I recently moved from my bs2 to pic's and I have a pic16f877A that I only recently got to work, and I've already gotten it to do most of basic stuff, blink and LED, run an LCD, run a servo, and so on... and today I started messing with the ad converter and just loaded one of the demo adc programs that came with pbp, to see what would happen and I got it to work, but It displays the digital value of portA.0 on the LCD and I was wondering would it be possible to display the value on portA.0 with LED's (say on portD) instead of the LCD so instead of seeing "Value : (and what ever number)" I would see 8 LED's displaying the binary value of portA.0.


- 9th April 2008, 06:58
trisd = 0 'set portd to all outputs
adresult var byte 'set up a byte that will receive the a/d input from the ADC
portd = adresult 'set portd to the result value

- 9th April 2008, 15:47
Please disregard post.

- 9th April 2008, 16:18
C:>del t.jackson

- 9th April 2008, 17:06
Hi, Trent

It would be really very nice from you to stay upon PIC related subjects ...

Hope you understand it told like here ...



- 9th April 2008, 17:11

You've heard the last of it. Cyas later.

- 9th April 2008, 17:35
T Jackson,

Please moderate your responses...before i moderate them for you.

I dont see your post being PIC related, or supportive of users on the forum.

I have received a complaint about your post. Looking at the post in this thread i can see no good reason for it.

Please take heed, i don't have a lot of time, so my descisions will be swift!

Thank you for your attention.

- 9th April 2008, 17:51
Sorry about this Lester.

It might be more appropriate if the posts are completely removed. Once again -- sorry for concerning you with this. You've heard the last of it, you have my word.

- 9th April 2008, 18:11

I recently moved from my bs2 to pic's and I have a pic16f877A that I only recently got to work, and I've already gotten it to do most of basic stuff, blink and LED, run an LCD, run a servo, and so on... and today I started messing with the ad converter and just loaded one of the demo adc programs that came with pbp, to see what would happen and I got it to work, but It displays the digital value of portA.0 on the LCD and I was wondering would it be possible to display the value on portA.0 with LED's (say on portD) instead of the LCD so instead of seeing "Value : (and what ever number)" I would see 8 LED's displaying the binary value of portA.0.


trisd = 0 'set portd to all outputs
adresult var byte 'set up a byte that will receive the a/d input from the ADC
portd = adresult 'set portd to the result value

Hi inventor2008,
Skimask gave you nice tips. Since you're a beginner, i'll give you a working example of it.. just to compensate some "unwanted post" in your thread.

<font color="#000000"> <font color="#008000">'
' this assume you use a 20MHz crystal
' &amp;
' PM as assembler
</font>@ device hs_osc, lvp_off
<font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>OSC 20

TRISA = 255 <font color="#008000">' PORTA = INPUT
</font>TRISD = 0 <font color="#008000">' PORTD = OUTPUT

</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>ADC_BITS 8 <font color="#008000">' ADCIN resolution (Bits)
</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>ADC_CLOCK 3 <font color="#008000">' ADC clock source (Frc)
</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 <font color="#008000">' ADC sampling time (uSec)

</font>ADResult <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE

</font>PORTD=0 <font color="#008000">' Clear all LEDs on PORTD

<font color="#000080">ADCIN </font>0,ADResult
PORTD = ADResult
<font color="#000080">GOTO </font>Start


- 9th April 2008, 18:32
Hi, thanks for answering

I forgot to to set portD as out, and there was a short in my potentiometer. I defined portD as out and got this...

trisd =0
' Define ADCIN parameters
Define ADC_BITS 8
Define ADC_CLOCK 3

adval var byte

TRISA = %11111111
ADCON1 = %00000010

Pause 500

loop: ADCIN 0, adval
portd = adval

Goto loop

then I got a different pot and It seems to work now.
