View Full Version : base64 encoding

- 7th April 2008, 16:53
has anyone the idea, how to do base64 encoding of the short string? I need it to encode the e-mail username and password...

- 7th April 2008, 17:08
I would take your input array of bytes and using a simple loop, create an array of bits.

Then using a second loop, read those bits 6 at a time and use a combination of math and a lookup table to generate the output.

The wikipedia article on Base64 has a lot of useful info, including C code for encoding and decoding:


- 8th April 2008, 21:46
Was bored, so I figured i would give this a shot.

Untested, so try at your own risk :)

STRING_LENGTH CON 24 ; Must be divisable by 3

in_byte VAR BYTE
in_bit VAR BYTE
b64_string VAR BYTE[STRING_LENGTH*4/3]
b64_byte VAR BYTE
b64_bit VAR BYTE

in_byte=0 ; Start at byte 0
in_bit=7 ; Most significant bit first

FOR b64_byte=0 TO (STRING_LENGTH*4/3)-1 ; For each base64 byte:
b64_string[b64_byte]=0 ; Clear the byte
FOR b64_bit=5 TO 0 STEP -1 ; For each bit 5 thru 0:
temp=in_string[in_byte] ; Get the current input byte
temp=temp >> in_bit ; Shift to get the current bit as bit 0
temp=temp & 1 ; Clear the other bits
temp=temp << b64_bit ; Shift to the correct output bit position
b64_string[b64_byte]=temp|b64_string[b64_byte] ; Add the bit to the base64 byte
in_bit=in_bit-1 ; Next less significant bit
IF in_bit=255 THEN ; If we past bit 0:
in_bit=7 ; Set to bit 7 of the next byte
NEXT b64_bit
SELECT CASE b64_string[b64_byte] ; Convert to base64 coded ASCII
CASE IS<=25 ; 0-25
b64_string[b64_byte]=b64_string[b64_byte]+65; "A"-"Z"
CASE IS<=51 ; 26-51
b64_string[b64_byte]=b64_string[b64_byte]+71; "a"-"z"
CASE IS<=61 ; 52-61
b64_string[b64_byte]=b64_string[b64_byte]-4 ; "0"-"9"
CASE 62 ; 62
b64_string[b64_byte]=43 ; "+"
CASE 63 ; 63
b64_string[b64_byte]=47 ; "/"
NEXT b64_byte

- 8th April 2008, 22:11
Boban, which PIC you plan to use?

Who's interested to participate to a "convenient and ease of use routine" contest ? Just for fun though...

- 9th April 2008, 01:16
No one? ;)

i had a 1/2 hour to kill so i did this one. No matter if your string is dividable by three or not, the software will adjust it. I've compare my results with the following online converter tool


Everything seems ok. Personnal and deliberate decision from myself to remove the comments... oh i'm a monster :D

You just need to figure out ;)

This assume your PIC have a 256 bytes EEPROM. I used a dusty F877

<font color="#000000"> @ __CONFIG _HS_OSC &amp; _LVP_OFF &amp; _WDT_OFF
<font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>OSC 20

<font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>HSER_RCSTA 90h <font color="#008000">' Enable serial port &amp; continuous receive
</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>HSER_TXSTA 24h <font color="#008000">' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>HSER_SPBRG 129 <font color="#008000">' 9600 Baud @ 20MHz, 0.16%
</font><font color="#000080">DEFINE </font>HSER_CLROERR 1 <font color="#008000">' Clear overflow automatically

</font>Len <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE
</font>ByteA <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE
</font>buffer <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE</font>[3]
Encoded <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE</font>[4]
EncodedCounter <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE

</font>CounterA <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE
</font>CounterB <font color="#000080">VAR BYTE

</font>String1 <font color="#000080">DATA </font>&quot;Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion &quot;<font color="#008000">;from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.&quot;
</font>String2 <font color="#000080">DATA </font>0

BASE64Table <font color="#000080">DATA </font>@191, &quot;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw xyz0123456789+/=&quot;

Len = String2 - String1

<font color="#000080">IF </font>(Len//3) <font color="#000080">THEN
<font color="#000080">FOR </font>CounterA=0 <font color="#000080">TO </font>(ByteA-1)
<font color="#000080">WRITE </font>(Len+CounterA),0
<font color="#000080">NEXT
<font color="#000080">ENDIF

HSEROUT </font>[&quot;Len=&quot;,<font color="#000080">DEC </font>Len,13,10,_
&quot;Original string&quot;,13,10]

<font color="#000080">FOR </font>CounterA=0 <font color="#000080">TO </font>(Len-1)
<font color="#000080">READ </font>CounterA,ByteA
<font color="#000080">IF </font>ByteA <font color="#000080">THEN
HSEROUT </font>[ByteA]
<font color="#000080">ENDIF

HSEROUT </font>[13,10, &quot;Encoded String&quot;,13,10]

<font color="#000080">FOR </font>CounterA=0 <font color="#000080">TO </font>(Len-3) <font color="#000080">STEP </font>3
<font color="#000080">READ </font>CounterA, buffer[0]
<font color="#000080">READ </font>(CounterA+1), buffer[1]
<font color="#000080">READ </font>(CounterA+2), buffer[2]
Encoded[1]=((buffer[0]&amp;3) &lt;&lt;4) | (buffer[1]&gt;&gt;4)

<font color="#000080">IF </font>buffer[1] <font color="#000080">THEN
</font>Encoded[2]=((buffer[1]&amp;$0F)&lt;&lt;2) | (buffer[2]&gt;&gt;6)
<font color="#000080">ELSE
<font color="#000080">ENDIF

IF </font>buffer[2] <font color="#000080">THEN
</font>Encoded[3]=buffer[2] &amp; %00111111
<font color="#000080">ELSE
<font color="#000080">ENDIF

<font color="#000080">FOR </font>CounterB=0 <font color="#000080">TO </font>3
<font color="#000080">READ </font>(Base64Table+Encoded[CounterB]),ByteA
<font color="#000080">HSEROUT </font>[ByteA]
<font color="#000080">NEXT


There's load of room for improvement. At least it works!

There's still the "convenient" part to do... if really needed and asked.

- 9th April 2008, 08:02


- 9th April 2008, 08:38
Personnal and deliberate decision from myself to remove the comments.

Do you mean:

Personal and deliberate decision from myself to be lazy and not write any comments in the first place.


- 9th April 2008, 15:02
mmm time saving... maybe true ;)

- 12th August 2008, 09:31
Cus, I am very soory for the too late delay, I have a lot personal stuff to do and didn't had time for the playing.I see, that you have spent a lot of time to do it, it is nice inspiration for me to use your code. Thans a lot - it is both of you!!!