View Full Version : Assembler problem

- 25th March 2008, 16:28

I've got a problem with my Assembler. When I use the built-in assembler with the 16 series, it works fine, but it's not working with the 18 series. So for this cases I use the external MPLab 8.0 Suite assembler made by Microchip. But with this, my programs using the 16 series PIC doesn't work properly. Since I usually forget to switch between them when changing the PIC and the program, it happens quite a lot. There are differences even in the hex files.
Is there any way to fix the assembler problem or the only way is to stick a paper on my monitor telling me to check the assembler settings?

With regards

- 25th March 2008, 17:19
Are you using Melabs PicBasic Pro or just pure assembler?

If you're using PicBasic Pro, there's no need to change assembler, always use MPASM. It works for all pic Family.

- 25th March 2008, 17:59
I'm using PicBasic Pro and it throws an error when using the built-in assembler:
"MPASM Required
The PICMicro Assembler does not support the 18F2423 microcontroller. You need to use MPASM in order to compile your PICBasic program."

- 25th March 2008, 18:14
hence why i suggest you to ALWAYS use MPASM, from the 10F to 18F.

Once again, there's no advantages to use PM. The only difference for "most" regular end-user will be the ConfigFuses syntax, and... period. So forget about PM, and always use MPASM. Leave "Use MPASM" box checked in MicroCode Studio.

That's what i do all the time since years now.

- 25th March 2008, 19:12
"MPASM Required
The PICMicro Assembler does not support the 18F2423 microcontroller. You need to use MPASM in order to compile your PICBasic program."
Says the same thing right in the manual too! Well, not exactly the same thing...but the point is exactly the same...