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View Full Version : USBBufferSize setting

- 25th March 2008, 08:04
I've generated some PIC and VB code with EASYHID. I've set the max buffersize (in/out) on 20. However now I want to change this and it is not possible.

I have changed the settings in the PBP code.
USBBufferSizeMax con 64 ' maximum buffer size
USBBufferSizeTX con 64 ' input
USBBufferSizeRX con 64 ' output
USBBuffer Var Byte[USBBufferSizeMax]

I've changed the settings in the VB code
Public Const BufferInSize = 64
Public Const BufferOutSize = 64
Public BufferIn(0 To BufferInSize) As Byte
Public BufferOut(0 To BufferOutSize) As Byte

I'm using a bootloader of Microchip, can that be a problem?, however this is not logical isn't it because in a normal boot situation it will take the boot part of your own application and not the boot part of the bootloader of microchip.

I've traced with "USBTRACE" and every time I see a transferbuffersize of 14h (20dec)

When I started playing with USB, two years ago I succeeded to regulate the ammount of bytes which was send out from the PIC. I was able to do that with the USBBufferCount however this is also not possible anymore.

USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBOut

Do somebody knows wat I'm doing wrong?


- 25th March 2008, 12:46
Is this possible that you have to generate it within EasyHID only... or alter some of those .ASM files? Not sure if you can change it AS-IS later in your code.

- 25th March 2008, 12:52
Hi Steve,

thanks for your response. I've generated is with easyhid. I haven't changed anything in the .asm files.

- 25th March 2008, 12:58
Just to make sure i'd explain it correctly and you understood what i tried to say.

Let's say you generate your code template with EasyHID with a buffersize of 10... if later in the process you want to increase it... i'm not sure you can do it ONLY in YOUR code. I guess you also have to re-generate the code template with EasyHID again.

- 18th April 2008, 12:33
You have also to change the descriptor file report size to match ( both input & output ) as well as your application; go back to easyHID again but I think it only allows 8,16,32 or 64 byte sizes.