View Full Version : MPLAB V8.00 PBP2.50a questions mark

- 24th March 2008, 23:07
i m not expert,
i have recive a program made on PBP, i have try to compile, but nothing work...
I have tried to understand a little, on the .asm, and .mac generated, there is a lot off questions mark,
I have tried to understand better, i have reduced the code to only somes easy istructions.

premise this: i have create new project with MPLAB wizard, i have select the pic model, and the folder, i have add the existing file .bas, and i have unselect from build options "use MPASM".

i post the easy code
have nice day

- 25th March 2008, 02:50
The ASM code generated by PBP is more Macro oriented... so unless you have read how those Macro are made, or what they do, it's not going to be a real help for now.

This question have been asked awhile back. See Darrel's reply on that

If you're using MPLAB, you want to change your DEVICE line to MPASM __CONFIG syntax. Have a look at the following link in the FAQ.

At very least from post#1 to post#5

As usual, make sure your setup is running, make sure you have disabled some multiplexed stuff (like ADCs, Vref, comparators) on the I/O you're about to use as digital I/Os. Try a simple LED blink and add some chunk of code after that.

- 25th March 2008, 13:03
thank mister_e for your replay, if I have do correct the questions mark on file.asm produced, are normal, and not a error.

one other question: on my MPLAB project, I have unselect "use MPASM", I think on this case the PBP take the PM assembler compiler, and i think on this case the line "@ device pic16F876, hs_osc, wdt_off" are correct for PM.

wen i try to build my file "test_01.bas ", the command generated by MPLAB is "C:\PBP\PBPW.EXE" -p16F876 "test_01.bas" , on the output build windows i read: "ERROR: Macro ASM? not found in macro file." , and all other labels too with same error.

why this?
have nice day

- 25th March 2008, 13:32
Well i don't have he same errors here if i uncheck the "UseMpasm" checkBox.

Executing: "C:\PBP\PBPW.EXE" -p16F876 "test_01.bas"
PM Assembler 4.08, Copyright (c) 1995, 2006 microEngineering Labs, Inc.
INTERNAL C:\PBP_PROG\TEST_01.ASM 145 : [400] Attempt to Free Non-Allocated Memory [3550:008F]

Question is... why you don't want to use MPASM anyways? There's no advantages to use PM assembler.

Follow the instructions about the config fuses in the post above and enjoy!

OR you could still use MicroCode Studio instead of MPLAB.

- 25th March 2008, 18:15
thanks mister_e for your replay,

Q:Question is... why you don't want to use MPASM anyways? There's no advantages to use PM assembler.
R: because i have one long application, alredy work, this application is not made by me, and i don't know all inside, I wold like start from here and modify only what I need to modify

Follow the instructions about the config fuses in the post above and enjoy!
R: i have look about, on this case, the applicazion is not start from me, the fuses, are not the problem, I think to have do what made if i like start to write a new application using the MPASM.

OR you could still use MicroCode Studio instead of MPLAB.
R: I have try with MicroCode Studio, but wen i try to compile the application, generate somes error. for this reason I have reduced the application to somes siple instructions, to try to do from where cum my problem

have nice day

- 25th March 2008, 18:22
Unless your code use some PM syntax assembler lines, there's no good reason why it shouldn't compile with MPASM except Config/Device line... or the MPASM path is wrong and point to another older version. So you should check if the path is actually set to the newer version. Here it's located at C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite

Just post your code here, maybe someone could help you to point some mistakes or give you some hints. In case you can't post it in public for some NDA reasons, you can still send it to me in my e-mail address.

- 25th March 2008, 18:51
I have already check if is correct the path, also i have open "cmd", and try to run pbp and mpasmwin, all work, the path is correct.
to are shure all is correct, i have reinstall all on other pc, near to virgin... with not other develop programs.
I have reinstall PBP, microCode Studio, MPLAB on other PC,

wen i try to compile the application with reduced instruction(test_01.bas), work without error,

wen I try to compile the original application, on output windows appear 2 warm:

[102] Code Crosses Boudary @ 800h
[102] Code Crosses Boudary @ 1000h
on the end, there is write BUILD SUCCEEDED

this error are distructive for the application?

I post here the original code too

- 25th March 2008, 18:55
HHHHHHHHHHHA! so don't worry, it's not even an error, it's just a reminder. PBP take care of it for you.

As all Warning messages, and using MPASM you can disable it using


Or you ignore it

Or, in MicroCode Studio you go to View> Editor Options and check the 'Disable code crosses boundary ASM warning' boxe.

Once again, it's just a warning.

- 25th March 2008, 20:03
thank for support!!
I have programmed my PIC, the application work!!!!
I don't do why the .hex file original is different to mine, i think is possible was compiled from a different version of PBP.
to do more, I have check my intastallation on PC, the problem is on somes files damaged!!
I have resolved...

Finaly after 5 days is resolved!!!!

Have nice time