View Full Version : Bluetooth problme with the 16F877A

- 14th March 2008, 13:02
hello...got thing want to ask u all de.....now i using the KC-21 bluetooth module to connect with the pic 16F877A and now i facing the problem is why my pic tx out the data to my kc-21 bluetooth cant tx to the receiver part and the receiver part i also using the kc21 bluetooth module with max232 and the hyperterminal there cant receiver the data from my tx there...what the happen...below is my programming souce code....hope u all can help me....!!! thanks.......a lot...!!!!

Define LCD_DBIT 4
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT 1
DEFINE OSC 4 ' We're using a 4 MHz oscillator
DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 ' Set A/D for 8-bit operation
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 1 ' Set A/D clock Fosc/8
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set A/D sampling time @ 50 uS
DEFINE debug_mode 0 ' Debug sending True serial data
DEFINE debug_reg Portc ' Debug Port = PortC
DEFINE debug_bit 6 ' Debug.bit = PortC.6
DEFINE debug_baud 9600 ' Default baud rate = 9600
define loader_user 1

include "modedefs.bas"

pause 2000

samples VAR WORD ' Multiple A/D sample accumulator
sample VAR BYTE ' Holds number of samples to take
temp VAR BYTE ' Temperature storage
samples = 0 ' Clear samples accumulator on power-up

TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input
ADCON1 = %00000011 ' Set PORTA.0,1,2,5 = A/D, PortA.5 = +Vref
PAUSE 500 ' Wait .5 second


FOR sample = 1 TO 20 ' Take 20 samples
ADCIN 0, temp ' Read channel 0 into temp variable
samples = samples + temp ' Accumulate 20 samples
PAUSE 250 ' Wait approximately 1/4 seconds per loop 250
NEXT sample

temp = samples/20

LCDOUT $FE, 1 ' Clear LCD
LCDOUT "My Temp: ",DEC temp,"'C"
serout Portc.6,N9600,[#temp]

pause 5000

If temp >= 80 then Alarm
if temp <= 20 then Alarm1
high portd.0
samples = 0 ' Clear old sample accumulator
GOTO loop ' Do it forever

- 14th March 2008, 14:01
DEFINE debug_mode 0 ' Debug sending True serial data
DEFINE debug_reg Portc ' Debug Port = PortC
DEFINE debug_bit 6 ' Debug.bit = PortC.6
DEFINE debug_baud 9600 ' Default baud rate = 9600
define loader_user 1

Let me guess...if you can't get this code to work...something will happen, right? What could that something be

No need to double post!!!
CAPS! CAPS! CAPS!!! DEFINEs need to be in CAPS just like the book says!
Not that it has anything to do with your problem...

Still trying this on a simulator?

Isn't this project about overdue by now? After all, it is for school, right?

Read the manual (and other relevant datasheets) concerning your use of N9600 and a MAX232...

Do you still expect to read a sensor with ADCIN and have it be magically converted from voltage to C?

Seriously though...if you can't make the project work without the bluetooth module, how do expect it to work WITH the bluetooth module...
Small steps...tiny tiny tiny small steps...build it up from nothing to the finished product...

- 14th March 2008, 15:43
yup this is my school project...i finish ADC part ad...result also get it...now the problme is why the pic cant communicat with bluetooth module one and i very blur ad...if using RF module can get the result......if using bluetooth cant why...
if the source code problme or other thing problme....
help it....pls........

- 14th March 2008, 19:05
yup this is my school project

now the problme is why the pic cant communicat with bluetooth module one
Read the manual (and other relevant datasheets) concerning your use of N9600 and a MAX232...

help it....pls........

- 16th March 2008, 03:52
i read ad the data sheet .....but still got problme......now i got 2 bluetooth module ...one bluetooth module connet to pc with the MAX232 without any PIC and another one bluetooth with the PIC 16F877A so on the PIC there i send out the temperature data to bluetooth and bluetooth Tx to Rx bluetooth at PC there so....why the Rx part bluetooth cant get my data or communicate with the bluetooth one...???? Is the PIC problem or programming problem ?

on the PIC 16F877A i set the comment is "SEROUT PORTC.6,N9600,[#temp,13,10]
and the PC there i using hyperterminal to test it...at there i set the baudrate 115200 the hyperterminal can communicate with my bluetooth. so now only cant communicate with my PIC 16F877A so help it ......????

if i using the USB bluetooth can ply around with the bluetooth module with the max232 on the PC part......!!! so can u tell me wat the problme with the PIC thanks u all....!!!!

- 21st March 2008, 15:01
why so selffish one de.......about that is school project one u all no want to help people ad......i very upsad.........at here ad.......!!!! if we knw how to do it...also no come here to asking and asking ad.........

- 27th June 2009, 13:06
How do I install my bluetooth to my new phone? I got a new Palm Treo. I want to set up my bluetooth that I have. I already uninstalled it from my old LG Fusic phone. It says it searching for device. But all my new phone finds is my old phone. Its not picking up my bluetooth. I threw away the instructions a long time ago. If it helps my bluetooth is a Motorola. Not sure what model. Like I said I threw everything away. Thanks for your help!