View Full Version : help required regarding reading binary files

- 4th March 2008, 17:10
Hi guys,

im working on my project. that project is related with smart sensors. Im using labview to create a binary file which is of 256bit. Now i want such a system that can transfer this file from labview to an EEPROM. Now im using PIC16F877A in between. PIC is communicating to labview through serial port, and the same pic is dealing with EEPROM 1 wire interface. The biggest problem for me is this that i cant transfer this 256-bit simultaneously to EEPROm using this PIC. because PIC cant hold such a big data in its any variable type. The biggest variable that is available is word which is of 2-byte size. I cant break my binary files into small pieces. Is there any way through which i can transfer 256-bit binary file from labview serial port interface to pic and then from pic to the EEPROM??

I shall be thankful to u for ur precious replies.



- 4th March 2008, 21:16
im working on my project. that project is related with smart sensors. Im using labview to create a binary file which is of 256bit. Now i want such a system that can transfer this file from labview to an EEPROM. Now im using PIC16F877A in between. PIC is communicating to labview through serial port, and the same pic is dealing with EEPROM 1 wire interface. The biggest problem for me is this that i cant transfer this 256-bit simultaneously to EEPROm using this PIC. because PIC cant hold such a big data in its any variable type. The biggest variable that is available is word which is of 2-byte size. I cant break my binary files into small pieces. Is there any way through which i can transfer 256-bit binary file from labview serial port interface to pic and then from pic to the EEPROM??

256 bits is 32 bytes...
The '877A has 368 bytes of ram onboard.

I'd be willing to bet that between the above information, and this:


You can easily make something work...

- 4th March 2008, 22:30
I wrote a program that reads and writes hex data files to a I2C memory chip via Xmodem protocol. I will try to find and post it if that would help.