View Full Version : Compiler warning

- 18th February 2008, 00:08
Hi all,

while compiling a program i recently made i get a warning in PicMate

the warning is :

[102] Code crosses boundary @ 800h

what does this mean ?



Ruben Pena
- 18th February 2008, 02:12
It only warns that your code is greater than 800H. In some Pics this must be consided because
the handling of pages or blocks in the program memory organization.
Just ignore it...
Ruben de la Pena V.

- 18th February 2008, 11:02
Thanks ;)

I'm using a PIC16F88 and i thought it was odd being an out of memory warning because in IC-Prog the program fills only half of the entire memory.


Ruben Pena
- 18th February 2008, 18:35
The 16F88 has 4096 words of program memory. This is equal to $1000 (In hex). Then it has
two blocks of $800 words. The warning only states that you have used more than the first
block. You still have memory available.
Ruben de la Pena V.