View Full Version : Variable timer

Cezar Neto
- 14th February 2008, 23:43

I need a variable timer using a PIC but I didnīt have success. When I say variable I mean that I have to change the range of counting, for example, sometimes I need to count from 1 second to 1 minute but sometimes I have to count from 1 second to 3 minutes. Sometimes I have to have a port ON for 1 minute and sometimes for 3 minutes. Iīve tried to change the clock, instead using a cristal based I used a RC clock, changing the resistor and capacitor, but it didnīt work. Does anyone have a sugestion on how to do it?


- 14th February 2008, 23:52
I would use Darrel’s Instant Interrupt system and the Elapsed Timer

- 15th February 2008, 04:04
I need a variable timer using a PIC but I didnīt have success. When I say variable I mean that I have to change the range of counting, for example, sometimes I need to count from 1 second to 1 minute but sometimes I have to count from 1 second to 3 minutes. Sometimes I have to have a port ON for 1 minute and sometimes for 3 minutes. Iīve tried to change the clock, instead using a cristal based I used a RC clock, changing the resistor and capacitor, but it didnīt work. Does anyone have a sugestion on how to do it?

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