View Full Version : MicroCode Studio -> Implementation EasyPIC4

- 9th February 2008, 23:40

i am new in this Forum and first time user of PicBASIC Pro (Demo) and MicroCode Studio (Demo). I need your help for implementing my EasyPIC4 Board (MikroElektronika) as my Programmer into MicroCode Studio The infos i have found in this forum didn't help me (newcomer). What is the exact configuration under:

- View
- Compile and Program Options
- Programmer
- Add New Programmer
- Create Custom Programmer Entry

Which Programmer (*.exe File) i have to implement for my EasyPIC4 Board?
Is the following command line OK?

-pPIC$target-device$ -f$hex-filename$ -e -w

Please help with a hopefully step by step info and a correct command line. Many thanks in advance

- 10th February 2008, 10:45
I use this.
Parameters : picflash2.exe -w -f$hex-filename$ -q

- 10th February 2008, 15:34
Hello savnik,

thanks for your reply. your parameters "picflash2.exe -w -f$hex-filename$ -q" won't work for me because i simply don't have "picflash2.exe" but "PICFLASH.EXE".

But however, i figured out the best functional parameter settings. For everybody who is interested in using the EasyPIC4 Board within MicroCode Studio please find the settings as following:

First of all:
you must have installed your PICFlash Programmer-Software which comes with your EasyPIC4 Board on CD! The Programmer EXE-Filename coming with your EasyPIC4 Board is PICFLASH.EXE, not PICFLASH2.EXE, which comes with the extra to buy MikroElektronika PICFlash Programmer Hardware!

Please check and setup your PIC oscillator frequency carefully corresponding to your PIC controller (e. g. LP ist not XT and XT is not HS). Wrong oscillator setting will result into undefined programmer- and controller functions!!!

MicroCode Studio step by step settings

Compile and Program Options...
Add New Programmer
Create a custom programmer entry
Display Name: (name it what ever you like, e. g. EasyPIC4)
Programmer Filename: PICFLASH.EXE (or your programmer *.exe filename)
Select Programmer Path (either "Find Automatically" or "Find Manually...")
Parameters: -pPIC$target-device$ -f$hex-filename$ -e -w -v -q

Parameter Explanation:
-pPIC$target-device$ = PIC name, for example "PIC16F877A" (e. g. device name)
-f = HEX-Filename
-e = Erase PIC
-w = Write to PIC
-v = Verify
-q = Close PICFlash after programming

These MicroCode Studio settings are working perfect for me (and for my EasyPIC4 Board). So far no problems at all. Hope this will be of some help for Forum users having the same configuration problems which i have had.