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View Full Version : IR/RF Remote Control

- 5th February 2008, 00:09
Hi All,
I recently came across some programming on the web for an IR/RF Remote Control. (http://jap.hu/electronic/codec.html) I managed to build the circuit and get it operational with the supplied program. I am using the eight channel version but by default it is set to a Latched output.

Does anyone know how i would go about changing it from Latched to Momentary, i think it has something to do with line 36.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Darrel Taylor
- 5th February 2008, 21:24
Hi jhorsburgh,

I've never used that program before, but looking at the code, it appears that each bit in the LATCH_MASK constant determines if the corresponding channel is Latched or Momentary.

0xFF = all output's latched
0x00 = all output's momentary
0xF0 = top 4 bit's Latched, bottom 4 momentary.

I beleive VALID_BIT should also be 8, for the 8 channel version.


- 6th February 2008, 02:23
That worked perfectally.

Thank very much for your help DT.
