View Full Version : DS18B20 and 3310

- 3rd February 2008, 16:24
Hi to all

This is my problem
I have thermometer from

That schematic is with DS18B20 but I need it with DS18S20 or DS1820 for long
distance(i need 30m)

Code is here

Now because I don't know programing(not jet)about it can someone help me to recode
this for my DS18S20 or DS1820(both version would be nice)

Thanks in advance


- 3rd February 2008, 21:09
How much do you pay for the work?
Seriously though...the datasheets tell you what you need to change to make it functional with either version of the '1820.

- 3rd February 2008, 21:35
Only payment...is here someone ready to help????

Why U don't help me, and help anyone who will need help with this issue...

If U are smart already try to help us....God will pay U some day!!!


- 3rd February 2008, 21:37
Only payment...is here someone ready to help????
Why U don't help me, and help anyone who will need help with this issue...
If U are smart already try to help us....God will pay U some day!!!

Sarcasm detector broken? :D

God will pay U some day!!!
Well then, maybe I'll just forget to send off my house payment this month.
I'll let you know what happens...

Really, '1820 datasheets have all the information you need to change the code (which only minimal changes are needed) to get the job done.
And even then, if all you need is longer distance, then there are ways to send data over long distances without signal degradation.

- 3rd February 2008, 23:17
I didn't mean nothing bad to U....only this forum serve to help...

If u know that please share with us...nothing else...I have started to study PicBasic Pro
so every help is welcome....


- 4th February 2008, 08:57
Unfortunately many think that this free forum provides also free services like writing programs etc.

We are here to help each other on a project that you have already started but face some difficulty. I suppose most are pro's that do projects and earn money out of it. So, why should I deal with your problem for free?

Give us what you have done and we will try to correct your faults if any. I think this is more than enough for a free service!

Anyway, I cannot leave in complete darkness though. Look at page 8 of the data sheets of the ds18B20 devices. The difference is in the resolution and the setup of the R1 and R2 registers. So if you want 9-bit resolution set the R1-R2 register to 0 for the 18S20 device. The DS18S20 is already working in 9-bit mode.

I understand that you do not have the pbp program but only the .hex file. So either you will write it your own and come here to help you debug it or will use the .hex as is witht the DS18B20 device.
