View Full Version : Never under-estimate the power of da shwartz...

- 19th January 2008, 01:26
For all of the individuals I may have offended in some way, I extend my sincere apologies.
Until I was informed of certain transgressions, I was unaware how my comments may have come across to some.
Certainly there are better ways to express myself to others than to just start typing without thinking.
Kindly accept my humblest apologies.

At least I have had time to reflect on my actions.
Looking back, I now realize that I may have been wrong a time or two.
Listening (reading) intently to problems is much more helpful than just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.

You may have been in similar situations when dealing with other, less informed individuals.
Only under certain circumstances, would I blatantly call a person an ‘idiot’ or belittle a person without cause.
Ultimately, it’s up to the person doing the talking to decide what approach to use.

Generosity is the key, whether it be a quick answer to a problem, or a hint to a solution.
Understanding one’s (and others) limitations is paramount to keeping this hobby alive.
Years go by, we forget where we once were, where we came from, starting from scratch.
Surely we can all relate to that.

Can I (we) put this nasty little incident behind us?
You betcha!
Already forgotten…

Darrel Taylor
- 19th January 2008, 01:53
Schwartz, choad, I get it. :)
Blazing Saddles, right?

Can I (we) put this nasty little incident behind us?
You betcha!
Already forgotten…
Can't remember the question.

Best regards,

- 19th January 2008, 08:52
For all of the individuals I may have offended ...

Can I (we) put this nasty little incident behind us?
You betcha!
Already forgotten…

Hi, Ski

You're perfectly right ... the older we become the least we listen to others ... ( just sit between some 75+ aged people ... and listen : LOL !!! )

" Communication gurus " only learn us to speak ... "Babel tower" : does it sound something to you ???

Representatives always tell us " I have the solution to your problems" ... But do they really know what's the problem ??? - good question.

" a well explained problem is half way solved " ... so let's help others to explain what they did not understand.


Very Nice, ... but how to explain something you do not understand ???

Not so easy ... don't you think ???

But one thing is easy to recognise ... the one who asks for help , from the one who asks for a ( ready to burn ) solution ...

So, understand here you're not to blame ... in this land, some simply ask for money ( easy solution ? ), freely giving your time allows you to ask for some "respect"

- and the beginning of that respect is to consider you do not know anything of the demander's environment.

That begins by reading ( and understanding ...LOL ! ) the FAQ of this forum ...

I'm more and more upset by the way some come here ... Surely we're not the only ones !!!

Nothing fully Dark, nothing fully bright nor ...

