View Full Version : Smooth Scrolling Text

- 8th January 2008, 14:39
Has anyone devised a way to have text scroll across an LCD smoothly? I know I can shift it character by character without much effort but it looks really grainy. I know the character displayed would have to come from the CGRAM on the display as it would start off as a single character then start combining with the next character.

- 8th January 2008, 15:54
yeah but i feel you're also limited by the CGRAM size... not sure if you can fit every possible iteration in. GLCD would be 'easier'

- 8th January 2008, 17:07
yeah but i feel you're also limited by the CGRAM size... not sure if you can fit every possible iteration in. GLCD would be 'easier'

I got a fairly decent shifting routine for the 122x32 (SED1520) types handy. Works good enough for me. But it only shifts one way...