View Full Version : I2C speed

Ruben Pena
- 21st December 2007, 23:56
Dear friends:
I am trying to interface a MCP4725, a DAC I2C from Microchip, and from the specs, it can work at 100 kbps,400 kbps and hi speed 3.4 Mbps.Basically, I send 3 bytes: the slave byte,the next two bytes containing the control 4 bits and 12 bit value.It works ok,but to use the high speed mode,I need to send the first value and then,without sending the last stop bit,send the following values (two bytes only) until I end my data. Now I send the stop bit and the process
Is there any way using PBP comands to inhibit the last stop bit of the first command ..?
Thanks in advance for your comments...
Ruben de la Pena V.