View Full Version : Programmer error with memory sizing on 16F68x

- 21st December 2007, 20:19
I noticed that programming 16F689 and the MicroCode Suite showed me that code crosses boundary at 0800h. Well the PIC ran fine with no problems. I read the 16F68x manual and I see that 16F689 has memory boundary well into the 1000h range and the error I found on the manual showed that 16F687 has boundary to 0800h.

I compiled using 16F689 the error shows boundary of 0800h and burn in code into PIC with 2616 words in it with no problem. I think that developer that make MicroCode Studio overlooked.

16F689 has 4000 words while 16F687 has 2000 words.

- 21st December 2007, 23:49
errm, it's not an error, just a warning, it can be disabled or just ignored.

new mcs version allow to disable this warning message in view menu, editor option submenu.

- 22nd December 2007, 13:09
Yeah. I read a thread relating to this error and i just actually ignore it all the times.

I will have the checkbox marked disable errors in MCS.