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- 11th December 2007, 20:40
If the configuration settings within a programme are different to the settings in the programmer am I right in assuming that the programme settings take preference.


- 12th December 2007, 09:41
Well the definitive answer is Yes, No, and Maybe...

It all depends on how good (or bad) your programming software is - that is the actual software that you use to drive your programmer (and NOT PICBASIC or any other compiler you may be using)...

Here is the way it SHOULD work...

1. When you select a device (a PIC for example PIC16f628) your programmers software will load a set of defaults for that chip. You are able to manually change any at this stage.

2. When you load your HEX file, if you have embedded any CONFIG settings within your HEX, they will replace any previous defaults or manual changes you have made. Any CONFIG definitions not embedded in your HEX will remain unchanged from step 1.

3. You are able to over-ride any settings manually at any time, but if you reload your HEX you will go back to Step 2 and if you reload your device type you will go back to Step 1.

Clear as mud?

How your chosen software works is anybody's guess, but mine works as described above.

- 12th December 2007, 18:24
Er....... I think I see through the mud, thanks Melanie. And to round off I'm using PicBasic Pro + U2 Serial Programmer + MicroCode Studio Plus programming software. Does that tie up with your muddy description?

Just want to say I've used the basics of your Olympic timer interfaced with EDE707 7 segment driver chip + HV drivers into 8 inch outdoor displays + other software for lap counting and it is excellent - many thanks for all you do on this forum - it is appreciated.
