View Full Version : LCD data filter

- 11th December 2007, 15:57
I'm working on a LCD data filter. I've got a milling machine with a display. This machine is controlled by a processor board, with a display for instructions and measurement values. I would like to change the language of the display. My idea is to disconnect the display cable from the processor board and connect a pic to the display cable and try to receive the data from the processor board. My pic will act like a display controller and receives the messages from the milling machine. The only information I need, are the measurment values. My pic will be connected to the display. The display will show the information messages in my own language and it will display the measurment values i've received from the processor board.

I'm using the following code to receive the display instructions from the processorboard. The original display is connected in 4 bit mode.

if changed = 1 then
timeout = timeout + 1
LCDdataold = LCDdata

lcddata.0 = LCD_E ' Copy the pin-states to the LCDdata variable
lcddata.1 = LCD_RS
lcddata.4 = LCD_DB4
lcddata.5 = LCD_DB5
lcddata.6 = LCD_DB6
lcddata.7 = LCD_DB7

if LCDdataold <> LCDdata then ' Compare the pin states withe the old pin states
LCDlog[j] = lcddata ' Save the received data in the log array
j = j + 1
changed = 1

if timeout >= 10000 then ' after a while, display the received data
timeout = 0
changed = 0
j = 0
for i = 0 to 20
Debug "Received data: ", dec2 i, "-", bin8 LCDlog[i],13,10
LCDlog[i] = 0 'Clear the log
next i
debug 13,10,13,10
Goto Main

Now the problem:
The data I receive is not consequent. When I display the same text on the display (by pussing a button on the machine) a few times, i get different log-information from my pic-system. I think it has to something with timing, but I'm not shure were it goes wrong. Any ideas?

- 11th December 2007, 18:18
i've never done something like this before.. may LCDIN help? unless you may need to be in synch with the LCD RS/E pins.

I would suggest to record the LCD output and see what hapen. PoScope or whatever else much fancy stuff you have on had.

- 14th December 2007, 14:27
Thanks for the tip. I now have a 'Logicport'. It works great. I think that I can fix the problem with the information of this logic analzyer.