View Full Version : Microchip Visual Initializer

- 7th October 2004, 07:33
Hi, Mel

I just have a little question :

Can the "Microchip Visual Initializer" ( DS 51443A ) be of any interest with PicBasic ???
Configuring 16F628or 16F88 Porta i.e ...

Have a nice day

- 7th October 2004, 09:41
Looks like a cute toy.

Simple enough to turn an LED on and off? Sure...

Now on another thread I posted an example to DIM three LED's ramping them up and down across a couple of seconds like those cheapo Christmas lights do for each of the three or four light chains...

I can't see somebody doing that same simple application easily with the Visualizer without a great deal of pain and suffering...

...hmmm... sounds like a fun thing to inflict on somebody, stand back and watch...

But on a serious note, anything that helps someone achieve a goal is a good thing - it's not my "cup of tea" though.

- 7th October 2004, 09:58

Seems you don't want to take position here ... I know that the little game consisting of the reading the whole Microchip's datas, programming bit after bit ans so on is quite good for my devious brain, but i'd rather play with my new toys as soon as possible...

My question was also and overall about compatibility with PicBasic ... as Picbasic sets a lot of configuration bits by itself !!!


- 7th October 2004, 10:19
I've never felt the urge to integrate PICBasic with any external aids - no matter how sexy... that includes Codedesigner, MicroCode Studio (or MPLAB aside from the Assembler) etc etc... so I can't really comment. It's a case of play and see... whatever turns you on... *smiles* Come back and tell us if the world moved for you with this one...

- 7th October 2004, 10:22
I finally understand you've just discovered this little toy was existing ...

see you later ...


- 7th October 2004, 10:30
This is true. Until you told me about it I hadn't even bothered downloading the overview as it's not something that I would use personally.