View Full Version : 16c717 and saving data

- 1st November 2007, 07:18
Is there anyway to save data, (a Whopping 2 byte setting) with the 16c717's without adding an eprom?

I have access to many 16c717's for practically nothing, but being non-flash, I don't think they will fit my needs. They are perfect for my project(s) except for the eprom issue.

(basically hoping someone knows of a way, trick, to save the 2 bytes. OR an extremely small & EXTREMELY cheap serial eprom available, so that I may use these)


EDIT: Basically when powered up it needs to remember the last setting used. (like last channel before powered down)
One of the projects is using an LCD display (2x16), do they retain custom characters after powering down? maybe I could save the word in the displays memory? and read it back with lcdin, that's lcd RAM isn't it, poop, I'm out of ideas.. lol