View Full Version : Two USB devices with same software, easyHID

- 28th October 2007, 16:43
I have made a device following the sample by mister_e in this forum.


I am trying to use the same device two times in my software, in my design you should be able to add as many USB of my devices to use with the software. How do you manage each device or identify them? if they have same ID, etc. how can i make a handler for each one? I am using VB. thanks Again.


- 31st October 2007, 06:19
That job is managed by Windows. As I have 2 identical USB joysticks, my device manager showed something like "Joystick XX#1" and "Joystick XX#2". And all games recognized both as #1 and #2.
In your case, It's you windows application which has to search for USB enumerated devices from the class that matches your device. If that app is your user interface VB6 application, there are many code samples in MSDN and many VB6 forums which play with this using API's. API's are to VB6 as Interrupts are to PicBasic Pro (of course API's are not hardware level, are just Windows guts level)

If still lost, or yet lazy to search, tell me, I could get it for you.