View Full Version : Problem with PULSEOUT

- 21st October 2007, 00:44
I am using the PIC16F616
I modified two HS425BB servos for continuous rotation and I cannot get them to go counterclockwise. Every pulse that I give makes the servo spin clockwise ( but at different speeds based on the pulse).

What can I do to make it go counterclockwise????

Define OSC 8

symbol servo1=portc.3
symbol servo2=portc.2
x var byte
b var byte

pause 20
x = 50
b = 250
pulsout servo1,x
Pulsout servo2,b

goto main

Darrel Taylor
- 21st October 2007, 03:36
The Servo pulses should be between 1.05 - 1.95 ms

With an 8Mhz OSC, the resolution of PULSOUT is 5 us.

0.00105/0.000005 = 210 - Minimum PULSOUT
0.00150/0.000005 = 300 - Center or Stop
0.00195/0.000005 = 390 - Maximum PULSOUT

And, the overall frequency should be approx 50Hz.
So the PAUSE 20 needs to be inside the Main loop.

  They need to be Positive Pulses, so you should make sure the pins are LOW to start with.
  PORTC = 0 should do it, in your case.

- 21st October 2007, 12:19

What are the differences of running the PIC at 8mhz or at 4mhz? NAyadvantages at the 8mhz speed???