View Full Version : Second serial port access ( Hserin2 )

- 5th October 2007, 19:57
Hello !
I need to start a project using two hardware serial port . As I searched on forums, I found noone actually working with HSERIN2/HSEROUT2. Someone said that it's not even well implemented in PBP. I have version 2.46 of PBP Compiller.
Did anyone had a succesfull experience with theese two comands? I actually need only HSERIN2 and HSERIN/HSEROUT ( for the first hw port) .
Now, one more unclear issue. What chip should I use ? I can do it with PIC18F6520 ( 2 hardware AUSART ) or PIC18F6527 ( 2 hardware EUSART )

Thank you for your time,

- 8th October 2007, 20:54
Is there anyone who have any ideea about this ?
Thank you ,

- 9th October 2007, 09:41
I have not had the need to use HSERIN2/HSEROUT2, but I would assume it is like the manual says---

Both AUSART and EUSART are pretty much the same thing.
The "E" stands for enhanced with some bells and whistles.
This might help understand the difference.

- 9th October 2007, 11:06
Thank you very much Mackrackit.
I know the difference between AUSART and EUSART. I was asking regarding the PBP compatibility side. Although it is supposed to work as described in the manual I red some complains from some users ( the posts does not exist anymore ) where they were stating that accessing the 2nd port does not work in PBP.
I will give it a try .
Thank you for your time,

- 9th October 2007, 17:55
It's been a long time, but I've used HSERIN2 on an 8720, and it worked as advertised.

- 9th October 2007, 18:01
Well, this is very good news.
Thank you , Bruce