View Full Version : Professional work needed...

- 4th October 2007, 06:32
Folks... I am in need of some professional work and cannot seem to be able to locate exactly what I need thru google so in brief, this is what I would like to happen.

I would like information on purchasing the development of programming code in PicBasic Pro for a speedometer project.
I would like the pic to count pulses sent from the Vehicle Speed Sender in a modern vehicle. I would like the pic to convert the frequency to a square wave pulsing an output pin on each 1/10 mile. I would then be able to use the pulses sent by the pic to clock a counter circuit built around 2 74C926 ICs. Could you please inform me of labor costs as all I would need is the coding, I have a picbasic pro compiler and programmer and unlimited number of chips. Just very busy and not much time to research coding.

I can be contacted at [email protected]