View Full Version : faq section

- 2nd October 2007, 04:42
Is it my browser, or are there only 3 threads in the faq section. seems like we need a post or twelve there covering things like cmcon, ansel high and low, pull up resistors, pic pins that are input only, open collector pins, etc. just a thought.

- 2nd October 2007, 11:01
Near the bottom of the page there is a box that needs set from last day to from the beginning.

- 2nd October 2007, 13:23
that wasn't me, it was my evil twin sleep posting. yeah that's my story and i'm sticking to it. lol you miss those little buttons browsing from your phone. feel REALLY stupid about now. thanks.

- 2nd October 2007, 13:46
Must be nice to only have an Evil Twin, in my case it seems like Evil Triplets at times.

I had the same problem awhile back. Melanie said the faq section was the only place on the forum that does not have "from the beginning" by default.