View Full Version : AUTO baud rate detection FOR UART connection to PC

- 1st September 2007, 21:55
Im using PIC 16F877A with 20MHZ crystal and i wonder how to auto detect baud rate instead of setting it constant. DO anyone haev example for it?

- 2nd September 2007, 16:37
Hi, this will be found in Assembler but its really simple code, you can find it on the
Bootloader application Note from microchip for pics 18F. This code has a nice
autoBaud detection routine at the begining.



My guess, since i am not a great ASM coder is that they always send a $0F a the beggining of each packet, this $0F is used to measure the baud rate.

Since the BootLoader applies to 16F877 it will help you.

- 3rd September 2007, 00:56
thx alot but i prefer the code in Basic. i need to combine this auto baud rate code with the rest of my other code.anyone can help and got example to share?