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- 29th August 2007, 23:37
how can i move bit 8 from wordA to bit 2 from wordB ?

- 29th August 2007, 23:55
Without actually testing it... have you tried the following?

wordB.1 = wordA.7

Like I said... haven't tried it, but Melanie referenced it in the following thread:

paul borgmeier
- 30th August 2007, 01:21
the format is correct but I would write it as


- 30th August 2007, 03:02
the format is correct but I would write it as


Really? I thought bits in a variable were referenced starting @ 0.

paul borgmeier
- 30th August 2007, 05:26
Really? I thought bits in a variable were referenced starting @ 0 me too - if you read the OP's post, he wanted to move bit 8 to bit 2 ... words go from 0-15

- 30th August 2007, 10:53
My question is, if the main program is too big, why delay the clock.

'***** clockx.bas **********************
hour var byte ' Define hour variable
dhour var byte ' Define display hour variable
minute var byte ' Define minute variable
second var byte ' Define second variable
ticks var byte ' Define pieces of seconds variable
update var byte ' Define variable to indicate update of LCD
i var byte ' Debounce loop variable

ADCON1 = 7 ' PORTA and E digital
Low PORTE.2 ' LCD R/W low = write
Pause 100 ' Wait for LCD to startup

hour = 0 ' Set initial time to 00:00:00
minute = 0
second = 0
ticks = 0

update = 1 ' Force first display

' Set TMR0 to interrupt every 16.384 milliseconds
OPTION_REG = $55 ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups
INTCON = $a0 ' Enable TMR0 interrupts
On Interrupt Goto tickint
' Main program loop - in this case, it only updates the LCD with the time
PORTB = 0 ' PORTB lines low to read buttons
TRISB = $f0 ' Enable all buttons

' Check any button pressed to set time
If PORTB.7 = 0 Then decmin
If PORTB.6 = 0 Then incmin ' Last 2 buttons set minute
If PORTB.5 = 0 Then dechr
If PORTB.4 = 0 Then inchr ' First 2 buttons set hour

' Check for time to update screen
chkup: If update = 1 Then
Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear screen

' Display time as hh:mm:ss
dhour = hour ' Change hour 0 to 12
If (hour // 12) = 0 Then
dhour = dhour + 12
' Check for AM or PM
If hour < 12 Then
Lcdout dec2 dhour, ":", dec2 minute, ":", dec2 second, " AM"
Lcdout dec2 (dhour - 12), ":", dec2 minute, ":", dec2 second, " PM"
update = 0 ' Screen updated
Goto mainloop ' Do it all forever
' Increment minutes
incmin: minute = minute + 1
If minute >= 60 Then
minute = 0
Goto debounce
' Increment hours
inchr: hour = hour + 1
If hour >= 24 Then
hour = 0
Goto debounce
' Decrement minutes
decmin: minute = minute - 1
If minute >= 60 Then
minute = 59
Goto debounce
' Decrement hours
dechr: hour = hour - 1
If hour >= 24 Then
hour = 23
' Debounce and delay for 250ms
debounce: For i = 1 to 25
Pause 10 ' 10ms at a time so no interrupts are lost
Next i
update = 1 ' Set to update screen
Goto chkup
' Interrupt routine to handle each timer tick
disable ' Disable interrupts during interrupt handler
tickint: ticks = ticks + 1 ' Count pieces of seconds
If ticks < 61 Then tiexit ' 61 ticks per second (16.384ms per tick)

' One second elasped - update time
ticks = 0
second = second + 1
If second >= 60 Then
second = 0
minute = minute + 1
If minute >= 60 Then
minute = 0
hour = hour + 1
If hour >= 24 Then
hour = 0
update = 1 ' Set to update LCD
tiexit: INTCON.2 = 0 ' Reset timer interrupt flag
'************************************************* **
Please help! [email protected]

- 30th August 2007, 14:46
My question is, if the main program is too big, why delay the clock.

What does that have to do with this thread?

- 30th August 2007, 15:40
me too - if you read the OP's post, he wanted to move bit 8 to bit 2 ... words go from 0-15

We're on the same page. I guess the way I understood the question was bit 2 (mywordB.1) etc. Maybe I was overthinking the question.

- 31st August 2007, 10:13
This is the program, and the question is the same: why delay the clock?
My projekt consist two program, because two pic communicat with each other. this program, what i wrote is one of them.

Thank you.