View Full Version : U2270b

- 24th August 2007, 12:44

I'm trying to get some sense out of the U2270B, I am using Proton and a PIC 16F628A. I need some sample code (manchester) which I can use to test if my circuit is correct, would someone have done this already and maybe be able to help me??

Many thanks


- 24th August 2007, 12:59
Wrong forum. This is the Pic Basic place.

- 24th August 2007, 14:01
Hi Harrison,

Here's the Proton forum: http://www.picbasic.org/forum/ They have a lot of tallented folks
there that can probably get you up & going.

Les Johnson (the fellow that created the Proton compiler) published an excellent set of
Manchester encode/decode routines a while back. They were all in assembler, but easy
to drop into your BASIC code.

You might ask while there if he still makes this code available.