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View Full Version : Drawing Diagrams

- 19th August 2007, 18:10
I would like to design/draw diagrams in my computer (e.g. PIC diagrams with pin configuration and hardware connections). But with Microsoft Office, it's very difficult. Can anyone recommend any inexpensive drawing tool? Your input will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

- 19th August 2007, 18:30
I have heard good things about this but have not tried it myself.

I have used this and works good.

At one time I was using "windraft" after spending what I thought a lot of money the company disappeared. Now I am not likely to purchase specialty software from these "fly by nighter types" and will continue to either use my cad program or a free program as mentioned above.

As they say-- Buyer Beware!

- 19th August 2007, 23:58
Don't forget Cadsoft Eagle they to have a freeware version with a huge library of parts

- 21st August 2007, 03:12
Thank you all for your helpful replies. I will download and try these applications.

Best regards, picuser.

- 22nd August 2007, 00:40

They have a free version.