View Full Version : LCD output and data types

- 2nd August 2007, 01:50
Hi again,
Now that i've solved my communications issues, its time for me to move on. This is probably a VERY basic question, but i'm VERY new to this. i am basicalyl sending a Byte to one computer nad getting a byte back to my PIC. i have teh PIC hooked up and working with a t6963c 240x64 lcd. i need to basically take these bytes (0-255) do some math calculation on them, and spit them out to the LCD. i can display strings on the LCD no problem, but so far i have found virtualyl no documentation concerning converting say the hex representation of a byte to a string. is this possible? right now i jsut want (for debugging purposes) to read in a byte and print it to the LCD. any ideas? thanks


- 2nd August 2007, 06:01
To display a variable in binary format use the BIN modifier
To display a variable in hexadecimal format use the HEX modifier

ex :

cnt VAR byte

cnt = %01010011
LCDOut BIN cnt

This will display: 01010011

Read the SEROUT2 command for more details, starting at page 140 of the manual. This also apply to the LCDOUT command.