View Full Version : Assembly Language Conflict

- 23rd July 2007, 16:25
I am using Microcode Studio Plus with PIC Basic 2.47 (I used to have 2.45 but recently upgraded). I used to be able to use an assembly language statement to set the PIC configuration in a 16F870 on a line by itself as follows:
@ __config _RC_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CP_OFF
now I cannot use this anymore because I get an error as follows:
Error[118] C:\rfprogs\picinfo\picbas~1\bingo.asm 122 : Overwriting previous address contents (2007)

I have two problems with this error notice, first I recognize (2007) as being the address location where the PIC Config information is written, HOWEVER, neither the PIC Basic Software nor the Microcode Studio Plus software mention ANYTHING about what "Error[118] means, nor does anything mention what the "122" stands for. In fact I cannot find a list of error codes anywhere or what they mean. The manual mentions something about having problems when sharing variables between PBP and assembly, BUT as far as I know, I'm NOT doing that!

Would someone please explain to me what is going on and what I need to do to correct this problem?

Many thanks
Kindest regards,
Chuck Irwin

- 23rd July 2007, 16:52
Have a look here (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=6775#post6775). I think that will answer your question.

/Henrik Olsson.

- 24th July 2007, 00:42
Thanks Hinrik! That helped a lot! I did this before but forgot about having to edit the *.inc file! Getting old and forgetful is NOT fun!