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View Full Version : Multplexing two 7-Segment Displays with PIC16F84A

- 18th July 2007, 16:07
Hi All. I wish to ask anyone with knowledge on PIC16F84A processor to help me program a PIC16F84A to multiplexing two seven segment displays. The displays shall be displaying the content of a processor register. The number shall be between 00 - to - 99.

I will greatly appreciate if it could programmed in Assembly Language.

- 19th July 2007, 09:55
i will tell u the procedure
u need atleast 9 i/o pins for this project 7 for a,b,c,d,e,f,g, and two for switching one seven segement display at a time .Remember ,refereshing rate of display should be less then then 15msec to avoid flickering

- 19th July 2007, 21:27
Hi lawriem72,
See if this forum post helps:
7-segment display with P16F84

It refers to this site: