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View Full Version : Where can I find working version of P16F84.inc file?

- 12th August 2004, 18:24
Hello all,

I am in need of finding a copy of the P16F84.inc file for use with PicBasic. Can anyone tell me where I can find a copy of this file or post a copy of what the file should read?



- 12th August 2004, 22:18
PICBasic does not have a P16F84.INC file. That file is for use with MPLAB and is located in MPLAB's MCHIP_Tools directory.

The corresponding PICBasic file is M16F8X.INC and is located in PICBasic's \INC sub-directory. You should find it there.

It's a Copyrighted file and part of PICBasic's distribution files and posting it would not be proper. If you've lost, deleted or corrupted this file, relload it from your master disk. If you don't have that disk, then best to get in contact with MeLabs.

- 13th August 2004, 13:10

Thanks for the response. I've reinstalled by PicBasic but I don't see the file you are referring to. All of my files start with the P or PB prefix. I noted in my PBF84.inc file that the MABLIB reference is PF8x.inc, and in the PF8x.inc file it mentions the PIC16F84. So does compiling with the pbc PB84 switch sound correct?

Sorry for the newb questions...just trying to get started.



- 13th August 2004, 14:44
Ah... are you talking about PICBasic or PICBasic Pro?

If it's PICBasic Pro (PBP), then life is as per my previous reply. If it's plain PICBasic (PBC), then I'm a little stuck on commenting about the distribution files as I don't have PBC.

Unfortunately I won't be able to respond again until Sunday, so perhaps someone else can step-in and help out in the interim.