View Full Version : IR help

- 8th June 2007, 06:13
Hey all, I want to use a IR receiver and record and output the data to the serial port from a TV remote.
1st I want to know whats the best way to detect the signal? (what command)

2nd will this "recording" alow me to be able to figure out how to repeat the signals back out?


- 8th June 2007, 08:22

Use a IR receiver. Make sure you use a IR receiver using the same
carrier frequency used by your remote control.

Example of IR receiver: Siemens SFH 506


More about IR Remote Control Theory:

Best regards,


* * *

Just for fun or to test a IR remote control:

Beam with the IR remote in a digital camera or a cellular
phone with camera and on the LCD of the camera you will see
the light pulses. (CCD are sensible to infrared light).

- 8th June 2007, 12:17

Use a IR receiver. Make sure you use a IR receiver using the same
carrier frequency used by your remote control.

Example of IR receiver: Siemens SFH 506

Better yet use a broadband IR receiver that covers all the carrier frequencies used by all remotes (except B & O).http://www.elenota.pl/pdf/Vishay/82252.pdfIt's very easy to use a PC soundcard (or chip) to view and/or record the output wave form.http://davehouston.net/learn.htm

- 8th June 2007, 20:33
Ok will look over the sites and datasheets but whats the best way (command) to read the pulses in using picbasic. pulsin?

- 8th June 2007, 20:40
Ok will look over the sites and datasheets but whats the best way (command) to read the pulses in using picbasic. pulsin?

I've used pulsin to read Sony type IR commands without a problem...but, to each their own...

- 8th June 2007, 20:45
It depends on the protocol. If the protocol uses pulse width (or space width) modulation, PulsIn will work but some protocols are a bit more difficult. Sampling the pulsetrain every 25µS (or less) will work for almost all protocols, especially if you know the carrier frequency which will let you refine the numbers by using the nearest integral number of carrier cycles to match the sampled widths. What are you trying to accomplish?

- 10th June 2007, 03:40
Hey Dave I'm working on a universal remote of sorts for some cameras.
By sampleing the pulsetrain you mean like this?
COUNT GPIO.4, 1, Pulsedata

- 10th June 2007, 13:56
By sampleing the pulsetrain you mean like this?
COUNT GPIO.4, 1, Pulsedata
There are both DIY and commercial devices that will do this. Of course, most folks who post here are wheel reinventors.

By sampling the pulsetrain I mean checking the pin every 25µS (or less) and setting a bit in an array to indicate its state. You end up with something like...
11111100000111000111000000111000111000000000000000 which is an image of the pulsetrain where each digit represents a 25µS sample.

IR receiver modules are active low, so you'll get an inverted output with 0s where there's IR and 1s where there's none.